Die AWW der PH Weingarten (PHW) feiert dieses Jahr ihr 10-jähriges Jubiläum. Seit 10 Jahren trägt die AWW dazu bei, Wissen zu vertiefen, Fähigkeiten zu erweitern und eine Plattform für lebenslanges Lernen durch verschiedenste Weiterbildungsangebote, Kooperationen und Projekte zu bieten. Seit 2021 ist die AWW zudem Teil der Landesinitative "Weiter.mit.Bildung@BW/The Chänce".
Am Donnerstag, dem 26. September, lädt Frau Prof. Dr. Schweizer (Rektorin der PHW und Leiterin der AWW) und das AWW-Team ab 17:00 Uhr zur offiziellen Jubiläumsfeier an die PH Weingarten ein. Ab 18:30 Uhr wird zu einem Education Buffet eingeladen. Bei erfrischenden Getränken und leckeren Häppchen haben Sie die Gelegenheit, sich mit Personen aus verschiedenen Bereichen über Weiterbildung auszutauschen.
17:00 | Eröffnung |
17:20 | AWW: 10 Jahre - Rückblick und Ausblick Passing the torch - Leitungswechsel in IGEL |
17:45 | Musik |
17:50 | Empowering Lifelong Learning: |
18:25 | Musik |
18:30 | Education Buffet |
Das Jubiläum markiert zudem der Auftakt einer internationalen Konferenz zum lebenslangen Lernen, siehe Programm unten.
XX Workshop of Qualitative Research in Psychology “Advances in Qualitative Research in the Context of Lifelong Learning”
- 10 years/Jahre AWW
The University of Education Weingarten (PH Weingarten - PHW) and its Academy for Continuing Education (AWW) is organizing a three days workshop on the topic “Advances in Qualitative Research in the Context of Lifelong Learning”. The workshop will take place in Weingarten and is the XX Workshop of the international Center of Qualitative Research (CQP). The 10 years anniversary of the AWW will be celebrated on the first day.
This conference is funded by the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG) and the Association of the Friends of PH Weingarten.
Call for Papers for the XX Workshop of Qualitative Research in Psychology “Advances in Qualitative Research in the Context of Lifelong Learning”
26-28 September 2024, Weingarten, Germany
As the landscape of education evolves, lifelong learning has emerged as a pivotal paradigm to address the dynamic demands of the modern world. In the pursuit of understanding the intricacies and impact of lifelong learning, qualitative research methods have proven to be invaluable in providing nuanced insights into learners' experiences, motivations, and learning processes. This conference aims to explore the recent advancements in qualitative research methods that have revolutionized our understanding of lifelong learning.
The conference will bring together scholars, researchers, and practitioners from diverse fields, such as education, psychology, sociology, and anthropology, to share their latest findings, methodologies, and best practices. The overarching goal is to foster a collaborative environment that promotes cross-disciplinary dialogue, encourages methodological innovation, and ultimately enriches our comprehension of the multifaceted dimensions of lifelong learning.
Key areas of interest for this conference include, but are not limited to:
- Innovative Approaches to Qualitative Data Collection: Participants will showcase novel methods for gathering qualitative data in lifelong learning contexts, ranging from traditional approaches like interviews, focus groups, and observations to innovative techniques such as digital ethnography, video diaries, and autoethnography.
- Mixed Methods Approaches in Lifelong Learning Research: Researchers have increasingly recognized the value of integrating qualitative and quantitative methods. This segment will showcase studies that successfully combined qualitative and quantitative approaches to enrich our understanding of lifelong learning phenomena.
- Application of Qualitative Research in Lifelong Learning Policy and Practice: Policymakers, educators, and practitioners can benefit significantly from qualitative research findings. This section will feature studies that have influenced the development of effective policies and practices in lifelong learning contexts.
Types of contribution:
- Poster presentation
- Paper presentation
- Workshop
We ask for abstracts (250-300 words in English) until 15 February 2024, using our template
The CfP as PDF: Call for Papers CQP XX Workshop Weingarten 2024
Program (see also PDF below)
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Arrival day and opening Start 5 p.m. - Opening - 10 years AWW (Jubiläum) |
Main day Start 9:30 a.m. Keynote Lunch Contributions Closing of the day 5:15 p.m. Followed by conference dinner (optional) |
Final day Start 9:00 a.m. Contributions Closing of the conference Followed by round trip Weingarten (optional) |
CQP Tagung Weingarten Sept 2024 - Program (PDF)
Lifelong Learning: Foundations – Challenges – Benefits. An Institutional Perspective on LLL managing the Stretch between Quality Assurance, Supply and Demand, and Motivational Aspects
Prof. Dr. Eva Frick
Vice-Rector for Educational Research and Development
University of Education Vorarlberg (Austria)